
Glia is a product line that relieves and prevents facial redness.

brand concept brand identity illustration art direction

Alleviate facial redness

What I found..

Facial redness can be caused by a variety of different situations: exercising, crying, embarrassment, excitement, drinking, etc.

Facial redness results from blood vessels in the face enlarging which allows more blood to flow, creating the beet-red face that some are all too familiar with.

Create your own oasis..

soothing refreshing tropical

Conceptual Thinking..

Embodies a soothing, calming, and delicateness to its brand and integrates common oasis crops, such as figs, apricots, lemons, and other citrus fruits into its aroma and packaging design.

individual oasis / happy place


Glia or glial cells: Cells in the central nervous system that maintain homeostasis.


Simple, handwritten organic type where the ā€œgā€ represents an abstracted form of a cell.


