
Glare showcases the extreme and oftentimes dangerous situations people find themselves in during the pursuit of capturing a moment.

brand concept brand identity logo design exhibition design

Is your life worth just a photo?..

What I found..

Killfies, a term used to describe the deadly turn of an otherwise innocent event as the use of camera-enabled smartphones have become more popular.

Growing attention to the camera, getting the shot, and a hyper-focus on capturing the moment are all contributors.

Looking death in the eye..

daunting genuine vivid

Conceptual Thinking..

A front facing camera is like looking death in the eye.

In the last few moments of the photographer’s life, the are granted one final moment of intimacy with the camera before the lens snaps shut. The opening and closing action of a camera’s aperture is similar to that of a dilating eye and showcases the idea of social media trapping people in a deadly cycle, all in pursuit of the sacred “like”.


Death glaring at you

Strong light / Sun glaring through

Glare in the eyes


Aperture blades

Phones leading you to death

The plan..

The human eye and a camera lens

Broken down into four different selfie experiences

The structure..

The scale model is built to resemble the shape of an eye and a camera lens to relate back to the concept of looking death in the eye. As the visitor walks through the space, each section gets smaller and smaller both in terms of width and height to mimic that of a camera lens closing. Thus, the idea of “the like” and social media trapping you is created.

The breakdown..

Experience 1— Animal Selfies

Experience 2— Transportation Selfies

Experience 3— Falling Selfies

Experience 4— Drowning Selfies

Visitor is forced to look death in the eye



